And touchdown! Flag football puts young players on big-name teams

Jun 23, 2024

A matchup between the Green Bay Packers and the Dallas Cowboys would usually cost thousands of dollars to see live. This weekend, Wareham residents got to see these titans and more battle it out in their own backyard. 

Of course, it wasn’t the NFL teams themselves who made an appearance. It was youth teams from the Wareham Tigers Athletic Association’s flag football program, which held its Superbowl event on Sunday, June 23 at Decas Field. 

Matt Woodside, the Tigers’ flag football co-ordinator, said the kids enjoyed playing on teams named after the greatest in the sport. 

Brody Cannon, age 10, agreed : “It’s just pretty much like being on a younger version of a real team,” he said. 

Kids on and off the field showed their enjoyment for flag football. 

Brody said he “mainly just likes playing sports,” and that he also plays baseball and basketball. 

“I like making new friends while playing,” said Lily Woodside, 12, who played for the Tigers’ version of the Atlanta Falcons. 

Carter Raymond, wearing an LA Chargers jersey, said, “I hike the ball a lot.” He also gets a lot of running in on the field, he said. 

His mother Maurene added he always makes sure to say ‘good game’ to the opposing team after a match. 

“We’re pretty excited about today,” she said, praising the atmosphere and the environment of the program. 

Matt Woodside said flag football is “a growing sport in Wareham.”

The program had four sets of teams playing that Superbowl Sunday, with age ranges from 5 to 6-year-olds to 13 to 15-year-olds. 

The program is open to all ages and all towns, Woodside said. He added that boys and girls get the chance to learn together and play together: “All the kids are enjoying it,” he said. 

It wasn’t just children who brought their passion to the field, but their parents as well, as the sidelines erupted with noise after each run of play. 

“I can’t help it,” said one woman in a Packers shirt, jumping out of her chair with enthusiasm. “I’m excited for my babies!”