Opinion: The State of Massachusetts wants solar on Fearing Hill

Jul 22, 2024

To the editor,

The solar project on Fearing Hill is back before us, after significant effort to stop it has failed.

Our local officials have tried to slow down solar development, only to be overruled by the state.  The State of Massachusetts has overruled the Historical Commission, the Conservation Commission, and the Wareham Town Meeting when it comes to our local efforts to try to control and manage the development of solar farms in our town. 

In regard to solar, it is time for our residents to stop pleading with our local officials to vote down projects that are legal under our current local and state laws.  We have tried that and it failed.  A new strategy is required, and I suggest that we start focusing on changing the objectives, laws, culture and leadership at our state level.   It seems the Massachusetts state leadership is very pro solar and believes that solar is key to addressing the ‘climate change crises’.  Unfortunately, they also believe that they know what is best for Wareham, so they have and will continue to push their agenda upon us.

So, to the residents of Wareham, consider that the path to managing our own destiny is sometimes not our local boards, but our state leadership.  That is where we need advocacy and change in this situation. 

Richard Swenson
