Officials share possibility of tax credit for businesses in vacant buildings
Wareham officials have applied for a state grant that could provide tax credits to businesses that move into vacant buildings on Main Street.
If the state approves Wareham’s application, new businesses that choose Main Street to set up shop could be eligible for $50,000 worth of tax credits, according to Director of Planning and Community Development, Ken Buckland.
Buckland told the Select Board on Feb. 4 that he received a letter from state officials indicating Wareham fit the requirements for the grant, which falls under the Community One Stop for Growth Program.
Buckland told the board that although Wareham officials have been marketing the town to prospective businesses, the tax credit program would be an additional way to “entice” economic investment.
Select Board member Sherry Quirk voiced support for the program and noted that other grants under the “One Stop” umbrella have already been of service to the town.
“As everyone knows there are a lot of abandoned properties in town, I’ve expressed many times before that we need to get more businesses in here, so I’m happy and I’m excited to see it,” said Select Board member Jared Chadwick.
Town officials will have an answer to their application by June 4.