Learn about marlinspike at Towne Tavern buffet
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What is marlinspike? Learn about rope, lines, knots, bends and hitches, and how to use lines to help dock and undock your boat, from guest speakers Bob Sweet and Dick Moore.
The buffet will take place at Towne Tavern, 3138 Cranberry Highway on Thursday, May 30. Social hour starts at 5:30, and the pizza buffet starts at 6:30.
The program will be presented by the Buzzards Bay Sail and Power Squadron.
It is $20 per person with a cash bar. The first course is a Caesar salad, the second course is a pizza buffet and an assortment of cheese and one topping pizzas and the dessert is freshly baked cookies.
For reservations, contact Richard Moore at 508-888-8238 or chmbrrck@live.com
Payment can be made by check payable to “BBSPS” or cash at the door.
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