Cold Brew & Construction!
Aug 8, 2023
The Lloyd Center for the Environment’s Cold Brew and Construction Drop-in Events Continue and are Open to All!
Wednesday. August 9th 8:00 am to 10:00 am
Thursday, August 17th 8:00 am to 10:00 am
We also will be available for individual tours and impromptu visits throughout the summer. Please call Gaelen Canning at 508-353-2322 if another time would be preferable for you.
We hope you will join us to visit especially the unique, innovative components of the 105% energy rejuvenating Welcome Center, the preliminary construction and plans for the main building, the campus upgrades, and the new Teaching Pavilion. This will also be an opportunity to ask the variety of questions that surround our projects.
We look forward to having ALL OF YOU on the site to share and show all that has been accomplished!